Embassy of Qatar in San Marino

Currently, San Marino does not host any Qatari embassies or consulates. For those in San Marino who are looking for consular help or services, the subsequent information outlines where to find the nearest Qatari diplomatic missions. These missions provide various services such as visa applications, passport renewals, document legalization, and other forms of consular aid. Kindly check the details below to locate the closest embassy or consulate for assistance related to Qatar.

The Qatar embassy nearest to San Marino

For those in San Marino who need consular aid or services, the closest Qatar embassy is available to offer the essential help. Here are the specifics of the nearest Qatari diplomatic mission, where you can obtain services like visa processing, document authentication, and additional offerings.

Embassy of Qatar in Rome, Italy

  • Address: Via Antonio Bosio, 14, 00161 Rome, Italy
  • Phone: +39 06 4424 9450
  • Fax: +39 06 4424 5273
  • Email: [email protected]

Embassy of Qatar in Vienna, Austria

  • Address: 12, Liechtensteinstrasse, 1090 Vienna, Austria
  • Phone: +43 1 402 1377
  • Fax: +43 1 402 1378
  • Email: [email protected]

Embassy of Qatar in Paris, France

  • Address: 15 Avenue George V, 75008 Paris, France
  • Phone: +33 1 4063 4400
  • Fax: +33 1 4063 4401
  • Email: [email protected]

Information more:

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